Features of Quality Cashier

A full-featured and integrated system that could be used in Restaurants, Cafés, Supermarkets, Hotel, any point of sale, and similar businesses.

1- Cashier System:

Cashier Platform is equipped with perfect interfaces and custom your domain, with multiple languages and the possibility of full site amendment using the control panel, including website slides, images, sentences, and colors. The site also is provided with multiple pages, like questions and answers (FAQ) – order requirements – on cashier, also the possibility of adding additional pages.

2- Online Order System:

The possibility of creating accounts by customers, confirming accounts through SMS code, browsing the online menu including all prices and specifications through the Cashier Website, ordering online, delivering the order directly to the cashier, and the customer has the option to entering various addresses, favorite lists, and list of previous orders.

متجر التطبيقات

3- Online Payment:

Each table has a special barcode, which can be scanned by the customer, then the customer can send the order to the cashier without the need for the waiter to take the order. The table system also demonstrates the status of orders on each table, and the occupied, available, and booked tables.

4- Table System:

Each table has a special barcode, which the customer can scan, and then the customer can
send the order to the cashier without the. need for the waiter to take the order. The table system also demonstrates the status of orders on each table and the occupied, available, and booked tables.

قارئ الباركود
Ordering System via Quality Cashier

5- Customer Display:

To recognize the order status, the order will be ready for delivery when the bell rings, then the order
status changes. This feature could be used in particular in self-service- 5 restaurants and cafes

6- (KDS) Kitchen Display:

It is a unique feature provided only by Quality Cashier for receiving new orders in kitchen partitions, with order specifications, and when a (V) button is pressed, the order shall be ready for delivery, with the possibility of placing more than one display, according to the kitchen partitions

شاشة الكاشير الخلفية لمنيو أونلاين

7- Cashier Rear Display:

It is usually found at the opposite end of the cashier, so that the customer can make sure of the order and prices while placing the order by the cashier

8- Coupons:

Raise the level of marketing and sales by using discount
coupons for your customers with multiple control options
for the coupon to expire according to a specific date or number of uses or activate it for particular categories or products.


9- Multiple Cashiers:

We are aware that one cashier may not be sufficient, so we have developed the Cashier System or the multiple points of sale, which have the option of identifying the income of each cashier alone, together with its entry and exit times.

10- An Integrated Accounting System:

The system includes daily reports, total sales, and expenses, with the possibility of displaying and downloading reports as Excel or PDF files.


11- Product Management:

With the possibility of introducing additional products, new categories, and amending product prices, specifications, and options.

12- Inventory:

The system includes the entry of precise specifications for each product. With each order, the system automatically reduces the available quantity in stock, which assists in accurate inventory updating.

It also adds new purchases and suppliers, and provides an actual cost calculation for the product, helping in making informed financial decisions and improving resource management.

صلاحيات متعددة يمنحك إياها منيو أونلاين

13- Multiple Permission:

Through which (Manager – Cashier – Accountant) could be added, with the possibility to add more than one cashier or point of sale and multiple users.

14- Multiple Languages:

Such as (Arabic – English – Turkish) with the possibility to amend translated texts using the control panel and add other languages according to your needs

لغات متعددة

15- Tech Support and Ease of Use:

Compatible with mobiles, computers, and tablets, with ongoing online tech support provided by the Quality Cashier team within the same control panel, which could be reached through the control panel.

16- Integrated Statistics:

We are aware of the significance of decisions in the world of business, so, we focused on providing integrated statistics in the control panel interface on the best-selling products, latest orders, and new order notices in the control panel.

إحصائيات متكاملة

17- Debit orders:

Quality Cashier enables your customers to place debt orders and pay their value later, with the potential of recording these orders in the cashier accounting system.

18- The possibility of ordering through WhatsApp:

Do your customers still prefer fast ordering through WhatsApp? Quality Cashier provides the option of sending the order with all details together with customer details and delivery method through WhatsApp. With the feature of saving the order on Quality Cashier, like the other requests.

إمكانية الطلب عبر الواتس أب

19- Compatible with the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) System:

Quality Cashier provides access to the Saudi e-invoicing system. Quality Cashier is fully compatible with the requirements of the General Authority of Zakat and Tax with regard to e-invoicing (FATOORAH) or order records.

20- Delivery Screen:

It makes it easier for delivery drivers to track orders, showing the status and the time duration for each order. It also allows them to change the order status automatically, updating it in the cashier system.

شاشة الدليفري عبر أونلاين منيو لكاشير كواليتي

21- Barcode Reader:

The barcode reader allows the Quality Cashier user to scan product codes quickly and accurately, speeding up the sales process and reducing human errors.

22- Branch System:

With simple steps, you can use a unified site for all branches, with a separate system for each branch, including the cashier, warehouses, online menu, and all Quality Cashier settings.

نظام الأفرع عبر منيو أونلاين لنظام كاشير كواليتي

23- Marketplace:

Link the Quality Cashier system with various apps and add-ons to enhance and simplify your business management.

24- Shift System:

Easily manage and distribute the custody between employees, track financial transactions, and define responsibilities for each shift.

نظام الواردية باستخدام منيو أونلاين

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    Provide your customers with a modern experience when handling their orders through Cashier integrated management, which could help you develop your business.

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      All Rights Reserved 2024 | Quality Development and Programming
